ANNUAL NAZI PARTY RALLIES AT NUREMBERG PARTEITAG SCHEDULES * (See note below) Parteitag 1934 Parteitag 1935 Parteitag 1936 Parteitag 1937 Parteitag 1938
* 1936 is a detailed index listing known sources materials. The rest are simply lists. Red = Speech Green = Hitler Speech NOTE: BRIEF STATEMENT OF PUBLICATIONS PRINCIPLES The World Future Fund serves as a source of documentary material, reading lists and internet links from different points of view that we believe have historical significance. The publication of this material is in no way whatsoever an endorsement of these viewpoints by the World Future Fund, unless explicitly stated by us. As our web site makes very clear, we are totally opposed to ideas such as racism, religious intolerance and communism. However, in order to combat such evils, it is necessary to understand them by means of the study of key documentary material. For a more detailed statement of our publications standards click here.